In wealthy countries, paper is ubiquitous and is often fated to be discarded soon after purchase, with only a portion recovered for recycling. Although...
The action/2015 was recently launched nationwide. Nigeria was not an exception as civil society groups, institutions and governments joined in the global campaign.
Many of...
The Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) has underlined the need to build natural resource value of wetlands within the general Great Green Wall (GGW).
The Lagos-based...
Where are the up-and-coming real estate opportunities in 2015?
When discussing investment opportunities for real estate, people normally think of cities such as London or...
Two civil society organisations have embraced a campaign to address worrisome issues related to the use of wood fuel for cooking.
Approximately 127 million people...
A global movement for accelerated progress comprising of representative organisations, partnerships, and coalitions from every continent and region of the world, action/2015, has been...
Worldwatch Institute's State of the World 2014 explores the shifting role of corporations in the UN's global effort for sustainability
As national governments flounder to resolve pressing...
It is unfortunate that, despite the important role that women play in society and their achievemes, many of them still face several barriers in accessing some socio-economic benefits and exercising basic fundamental human rights.