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Sunday, June 30, 2024

C21st Issues inducts Lagos pupils as environmentalists

Centre for 21st Century Issues, a Lagos-based non-governmental organisation, has inducted a new crop of environmental activists among students of Aladura Comprehensive High School, Anthony Village, Lagos, by launching the Environmental Bees Club in the school.

Environmental Bees Club
Participants at the launch of the Environmental Bees Club in Lagos

Mr. Simileoluwa Adewale, the C21st Issues Project Coordinator, in his remarks during the roll-out, urged the new entrants into the club to inculcate the habit of ensuring their environment is always tidy.

In her opening remarks, Dammy Adeoye, also of C21st Issues, said the roll-out of Environmental Bees Club in the school is in commemoration of 2024 World Environment Day themed “Our Land, Our Future: Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought”.

“It will be important as young individuals to take action about environmental issues because in a way they affect us. Climate change impacts such as flooding, heatwave, air pollution, and water pollution, among others, are issues we daily and how we address these issues should be of utmost importance to us all. That is why we are partnering with the Lagos State Government and SUBEB to launch EBC in schools across the state,” she noted.

While speaking on the importance of Environmental Bees Club in schools, Mr. Abayomi Adewale, representing the Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, said: “Our world is facing many environmental challenges like climate change, pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. These issues are not just problems for the future; they are affecting us right now. Clean air, fresh water, and healthy soil are essential for our survival.

“By understanding these issues and learning how to address them, we can make sure our planet remains a beautiful and liveable place for generations to come. Young people like you are the key to making this happen. You have the energy, creativity, and determination to make a big impact. By being informed and taking action, you can lead the way to a more sustainable future. This is where the Environmental Bees Club comes in. The Environmental Bees Club is not just a club; it’s a movement. A movement to inspire and empower you to take charge of your environment.”

Apart from tree planting, the Permanent Secretary also admonished them to be actively involved in activities like recycling, upcycling and conservation, saying: “You’ll also have the chance to spread awareness and educate others about the importance of protecting our environment. The Sanwo-Olu administration, through the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, is fully committed to boosting environmental literacy.

“We believe that education is the foundation for sustainable development. That’s why we’ve partnered with Centre for 21st Century Issues to support initiatives like the Environmental Bees Club. We are providing resources, training, and opportunities for you to learn and grow into becoming stewards of the environment. This partnership aims to create a network of informed and active young citizens who can lead environmental change in their communities.”

Mr. Bankole Fabusoro, the Principal, Aladura Comprehensive High School, commended C21st Issues and partners for counting his school worthy to be a beneficiary of the project.

Fabusoro opined: “This is a very good initiative, especially when making the younger ones to see and appreciate the importance of taking care of the environment. Now, we have broader knowledge on how to handle this project, by precedent our school has always been the pacesetter. We want to remain as such.”

Highpoint of the event was planting of trees as displayed by Mrs. Adebimpe Kupolu, representing Mrs. Adetoun Popoola, General Manager, Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK).

By Ajibola Adedoye

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