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Monday, October 21, 2024

COP29 Presidency publishes final texts of Declarations and Pledges for upcoming climate talks

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The COP29 Presidency on Monday, October 21, 2024, published the final texts of nine Declarations and Pledges as part of its Action Agenda for the upcoming UN climate summit in Baku, Azerbaijan this November. These documents provide pathways for all global actors to come together and commit to enhanced ambition across key climate priorities.

Mukhtar Babayev
Mukhtar Babayev, COP29 President-Designate

The COP29 Presidency’s Action Agenda, first outlined in an open letter to Parties and Constituencies in September, is a comprehensive set of initiatives designed to complement the formal UNFCCC negotiation process. While not part of the official negotiations, these Declarations and Pledges aim to catalyse action and ambition across all sectors of society.

With the final texts now published, government and non-government stakeholders have the opportunity to endorse these documents, which will be formally launched at the COP29 climate summit in November.

The texts, finalised following a period of public consultation, include:

COP29 Truce Appeal

The appeal for a COP Truce, modelled on the Olympic Truce, will highlight the importance of peace and climate action. It will aim to remind all nations of the interplay between conflict and climate change and emphasise the imperative of finding collective solutions to protect the most vulnerable.

COP29 Global Energy Storage and Grids Pledge

The outcome Pledge will aim to increase global energy storage capacity six times above 2022 levels, reaching 1,500 gigawatts by 2030. To enhance energy grids, endorsers will also commit to enhance grid capacity through a global grid deployment goal of adding or refurbishing 25 million kilometres of grids by 2030, recognising analysis from the IEA on the need to add or refurbish an additional 65 million kilometres by 2040 to align with net-zero emissions by 2050.

COP29 Green Energy Zones and Corridors Pledge

The outcome Pledge will commit to green energy zones and corridors, including targets to promote investment, stimulate economic growth, develop, modernise and expand infrastructure, and foster regional cooperation.

COP29 Hydrogen Declaration

The outcome Declaration will unlock the potential of a global market for clean hydrogen and its derivatives with guiding principles and priorities, to address regulatory, technological, financing, and standardisation barriers.

COP29 Declaration on Green Digital Action

The outcome Declaration aims to accelerate climate-positive digitalisation and emission reductions in the Information and Communication Technology sector and enhance accessibility of green digital technologies.

COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste

The outcome Declaration will streamline work towards 1.5-aligned waste sector commitments in national climate policy documents with quantified targets to reduce methane in waste and food systems.

COP29 Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) Declaration to Resilient and Healthy Cities

The outcome Declaration will seek to enhance multisectoral cooperation to address climate challenges in cities and an initiative to create coherence in all urban climate efforts and catalyse urban climate finance.

COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Action in Tourism

The outcome Declaration will include sectoral targets for tourism in NDCs and promote sustainable practices by reducing emissions and increasing resilience in the sector. A further initiative with outcomes to enhance transparency in the sector and provide frameworks for sustainable food systems in tourism.

COP29 Declaration on Water for Climate Action

The outcome Declaration will call upon stakeholders to take integrated approaches when combating the causes and impacts of climate change on water basins and water-related ecosystems, strengthen regional and international cooperation, integrated water-related mitigation and adaptation measures in national climate policies.  The Declaration will launch the Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action to enhance COP-to-COP continuity and coherence in the field.

The COP29 Truce Appeal is said to have already gained significant traction, with support from 127 countries and nearly 1,100 non-state actors. It calls for a pause in conflicts during the COP29 period to reduce emissions from military activities and promote global peace.

In line with the COP29 Presidency’s two-pillar plan for the year, the Declarations and Pledges aim to enhance ambition across all climate pillars. They present opportunities for governments to incorporate sectoral targets into national climate plans and for stakeholders to agree on principles to strengthen collective climate efforts.

Alongside the Declarations and Pledges, the COP29 Presidency will release a programme of Presidency-hosted events for the UN climate summit. These sessions will bring together relevant stakeholders for focused discussions on thematic items and serve as platforms to launch the various declarations.

COP29 President-Designate, Mukhtar Babayev, said: “These Declarations and Pledges are vital tools to drive progress on climate action. They send strong market signals, help direct financial flows, and foster a sense of shared responsibility. I call on all parties and non-state actors to endorse these documents and help build momentum ahead of COP29. While signing these pledges alone will not deliver the changes we need, they play a significant role in supporting the COP29 Presidency’s vision to enhance ambition and enable action.”

He added, “The final texts reflect valuable input from a wide range of stakeholders, demonstrating the power of inclusive and transparent processes in addressing the climate crisis. We thank our partners for their collaboration throughout this process. We are particularly encouraged by the early support for the COP Truce Appeal, which highlights the interconnectedness of climate action and global peace.”

These initiatives are designed to complement, not replace, the critical work of the formal UNFCCC negotiations. They provide additional avenues for commitment and action, particularly for non-state actors who play a crucial role in the global response to climate change.

The Presidency encourages all stakeholders to review the final texts and consider endorsing these important climate initiatives, which collectively aim to accelerate progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.


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