The team Norvergence strongly believes that there is an urgent need to protect the environment. But, first, we need to spread awareness by finding the answers to questions like:
- Why is there a need to protect our environment?
- What we can do to achieve it?
- How we can do it?

All these questions are directly impacted by climate change which is now a serious threat to humans and wildlife.
You may have ignored some of the factors that are the result of climate change, but we cannot get away with it so easily. We all are aware of the damage caused by us and it’s our responsibility to control it and find a more sustainable way.
Here are five things that you should know about climate change listed down by Norvergence.
The world is getting warmer and the oceans are rising
The increase in fossil fuel consumption increases the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which results in observing the vast quantity of heat by the ocean. The ocean warming leads to deoxygenation and as the environmentalists at Norvergence predict the result of global warming will be seen in the future affecting ocean acidification, ocean currents, sea surface temperature, etc.
Even NASA has said that the average global temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees celsius with 18 of the 19 warmest years occurring since 2001.
Climate change results in species being disrupted
The climate change is disrupting the seasonal behavior of the plants and animals, showing a visible impact on species at different levels of the food chain. Changes in plant breeding seasons have resulted in a secondary effect on the entire food chain, including pollinators.
Climate change can cause a quarter of land animals, birdlife and plants to become extinct.
The rise in sea level of only 50cm could cause sea turtles to lose their nesting beaches and will also pose a threat to other marine animals.
The changing climate will impact food availability
80% of the world’s crops are rainfed, which means most farmers depend on predictable weather agriculture in an order to produce crops. The rise in temperature results in extreme precipitation events, which are becoming common these days, can directly damage crops, and the end result will decrease yields.
The events like floods, drought, and bushfires have affected the productivity of the crop and reduced the availability of the food.
Climate change has social, economic and environmental elements
Environmental consequences of climate change like change in soil moisture level, soil organic carbon, extreme flooding, and coastline changes, etc. are easily observable.
On the other hand, social consequences like health, economy, governance, and regulation have all changed with a change in the climate.
It’s because of us
Human activities like burning coal, oil and gas products, deforestation, an increase in livestock farming, the use of fertilizers containing nitrogen, and the release of fluorinated gases are contributing towards climate change.
These are the top five things you should know about climate change and pledge to make the earth a better place by being involved in more sustainable activities.
Team Norvergence is working for the same cause related to global warming and climate change and will welcome you as a volunteer or an idea from your side that can make a difference.
The Norvergence team focuses on spreading awareness and educating people regarding environmental issues.
Previous post: How education helps to address climate change