The GEF Small Grants Programme is a flagship initiative that over the past three decades has enabled civil society organisations to access funding and technical assistance for community action related to the environment and sustainable livelihoods. It specifically supports Indigenous Peoples and local communities, women-led initiatives, youth engagement and leadership, and persons with disabilities.

Following decades of leadership by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as anchor agency, it has been expanded following a GEF Council decision two years ago to two additional implementing entities, Conservation International and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, alongside UNDP supporting locally led initiatives in developing countries.
It is believed that this wider remit is helping communities access additional funding, with more options for collaboration and the pooling of expertise, including through the technical knowhow offered by the various agencies.
Communities in 137 countries are accessing GEF SGP funding in the Global Environment Facility’s eighth funding cycle, up from 124 countries in the seventh replenishment period.
The first tranche of GEF SGP funds approved during this cycle is being implemented by UNDP, and the second tranche approved by GEF Council in December 2024 will be implemented by all three agencies.
Altogether, GEF SGP is providing $135 million for community-led environmental initiatives in GEF-8. This supports work in five strategic areas: (1) community-based management of threatened ecosystems and species; (2) sustainable agriculture and fisheries, and food security; (3) low-carbon energy access and co-benefits; (4) local to global coalitions for chemicals and waste management; (and 5) sustainable urban solutions.
The GEF Small Grants Programme has also sponsored a new challenge programme supporting innovative action by civil society organisations, led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with another CSO initiative in the works for 2025 with a focus on microfinance.