Director, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF), Nnimmo Bassey, appears troubled about the present global virus scourge and expresses his feelings in the following poetic lines

I see the invisible
I hear the inaudible
And I feel the intangible
I’m everywhere in no time
Floating on memories of strained futures
Aloft on lofty hopes
Sliding on rugged dreams in truncated nights
I see the invisible
I hear the inaudible
And I feel the intangible
Ears on the ground we tremble
At the departing footsteps of
Departed elders at marketplaces
I see the invisible
I hear the inaudible
And I feel the intangible
Eyes on the past we see the future
Cluttered by discarded viruses and their angry relatives
Hands glued to our sides social distances narrow to a kilometre apart
I see the invisible
I hear the inaudible
And I feel the intangible
We have never been closer now we are apart
Finally, nature’s tiny beings shake sleep away
We are relatives and can have a good day
If we don’t scoff and cough in each other’s face