Against the backdrop of increasing extreme weather disasters, world experts and leaders will from April 8 to 12, 2019 at the Korea Global Adaptation Week converge on Songdo to discuss ways to enhance adaptation to climate change.

Hosted by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, the Korea Global Adaptation Week is organised by UN Climate Change, the Korea Environment Institute (KEI), the Korea Adaptation Centre for Climate Change (KACCC), and the Incheon Metropolitan City.
Representatives from governments, civil society, private sector, academia and the UN System will gather in four key events, starting with the sixth NAP Expo, under the theme “Raising Adaptation Ambition by Advancing National Adaptation Plans”. The NAP Expo aims to promote the exchange of experiences and foster partnerships to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). The Expo is organised by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in collaboration with partners.
For the first time, Resilience Frontiers – an initiative undertaken by multiple agencies – will gather 100 thought leaders for five days of foresight and collective thinking on how to maximise long-term resilience to climate change by harnessing the potential of emerging technologies and new sustainability trends, while mitigating associated risks.
In parallel, the Adaptation Forum will discuss ways to increase private sector engagement in adaptation planning. The event is organised by the Adaptation Committee under the UNFCCC.
The Regional Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation will focus on how to enhance participation of the private sector in financing adaptation to climate change. The meeting’s theme will be “Adaptation finance, including the private sector.” It is organised by the Green Climate Fund as part of the technical examination process on adaptation under the UNFCCC.
The Korea Global Adaptation Week will be kicked off by a high-level opening with the participation of Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations, Co-chair of the Global Commission on Adaptation and President and Chair of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI); Myung-Rae, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Korea; Park Namchoon, Mayor of Incheon; Je Yong Yoon, President of KEI; Ovais Sarmad, UN Climate Change Deputy Executive Secretary; Hana Hamadalla Mohamed, Chair of the LEG; Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund; Judith Karl, Executive Secretary of the UN Capital Development Fund; and Jae Chun Choe, NAP Champion from Republic of Korea. These speakers will set the stage for the week’s discussions.