One hundred and forty mayors of the world’s largest cities have expressed their commitment implement the Paris Climate Change Agreement at a meeting in Montréal, Canada, and pledged city leadership on climate action.

Almost 60 percent of the world’s population already lives in urban regions, and this proportion is constantly increasing. The lion’s share of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions is produced in the world’s cities, as is the bulk economic activity, so cities are uniquely positioned to grasp the economic opportunities of the transformation to low carbon and resilience.
At the 12th Metropolis World Congress and the 2017 General Assembly of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF), the mayors issued a “Montréal Declaration”, in which they say:
“We reaffirm our role and our determination to ensure the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change as well as the Declaration of the Climate Summit for Local Elected Officials, regardless the international political context, as well as our determination to mobilise a broad coalition of stakeholders from all milieus to ensure the success of this historic agreement, vital to the future of our planet and humanity.”
On the conclusion of the meeting, Montréal Mayor and Metropolis President, Denis Coderre, said: “The mayors and city representatives from the four corners of the planet are more than ever determined to exercise strong leadership and to work towards solving global problems that affect city dwellers and indeed the entire global population. The Montréal Declaration confirms the commitment of cities to implement the Paris Agreement, as well as the Declaration of the Climate Summit for Local Leaders, regardless of the international political context,” said Montréal Mayor and Metropolis Presiden, Denis Coderre.
The document also highlights the determination of its signatories to achieve the New Urban Agenda, adopted by the United Nations in 2016, and to meet all the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Under the theme “Global Challenges: Major Cities in Action”, the Congress focused on topics ranging from sustainable development, inclusion, living together, economic development, smart cities, mobility and urban planning, to leadership and city governance.
In addition to the cities and urban regions that are members of Metropolis and the AIMF, major international networks such as United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) add their voice to the Montréal Declaration.
“The Montréal Declaration aspires to be the concrete manifestation of the commitment of cities to play a central role in terms of local and global issues. In this document, local governments formally commit to address with determination some of the most pressing challenges of our time, particularly regarding the climate, the fight against pollution and for air quality, as well as a more equitable representation of women in governance positions,” said the Mayor of Paris, AIMF President and C40 President, Anne Hidalgo.
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