The Minister of State for Environment, Mrs Sharon Ikeazor, has called for synergy between stakeholders and donor partners in mitigating the effects of climate change in the country.

Ikeazor made the call on Monday, March 7, 2022, in Abuja at an inter-ministerial committee meeting on climate change.
The meeting was organised to discuss the implementation of Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributors (NDCs), approved energy transition plan and other related climate issues.
The minister said that such synergy would enhance the ministry’s delivery of its mandate and the government’s commitments to averting environmental challenges.
“We must accelerate actions on ground with catalytic partnerships, frameworks, policies, and regulations needed to crowd-in investments and achieve rapid reduction of emissions across sectors.
“As an oil dependent nation, our economic and developmental aspirations will be compromised if we do not define our transition pathways to align with our broader developmental goals.
“Let me assure you that the Ministry is positioned to take the lead in aligning Nigeria’s national climate plans and strategies with the country’s energy transition efforts.
“This will not be without the support of my fellow ministers and Development partners.
“With eight years to go until the deadline for achieving the energy access Sustainable Development Goal 7, and with 2060 fast approaching, the time begins now,” she said.
The Minister of State said that what should be of primary concern would be how to translate the plans and strategies into implementable projects.
Nigeria has a revised NDC with additional sectors (waste and water), more ambitious targets and an increase from 45% to 47% conditional with international support.
Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Nigeria, Mohamed Yahya, while speaking commended the political leadership of the Nigerian government, especially Mr. President and the Environment Minister of State, for the various achievements and the laying of a solid policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks that, according to him, will guide Nigeria on the path towards a net zero carbon emission development and meeting its the pledges in Glasgow last year.

According to him, the urgency and scale of the challenge requires broad based diverse partnerships. He lauded the presence of the other Ministers present at the meeting, adding that this would make development co-operation more effective.
“This has sent a clear message about Nigeria’s readiness for climate business and the volume of investments that is required to successfully implement the Post COP 26 Roadmap, NDC Implementations, the Energy Transition Plan and in an inclusive fashion,” Yahya stated, even as he listed UNDP’s ongoing support to include Carbon market readiness plan, Climate Promise Phase 2 rollout, National Adaptation Plan projects, Stockholm +50 national consultations, The Energy Compact, and Regional Climate Security Programme.
The UN official identified with the priorities highlighted by the Environment Minister of State in her opening remarks and those by the other Ministers in attendance, while restating UNDP’s commitment to facilitating country leadership and working with other partners to promoting effective, country-led partnerships for attainment of these national goals.
Yahya declared the UNDP’s support and reiterated the importance of COP27, describing it as as a onetime opportunity to develop and own a Nigerian/African narrative and showcase Nigeria and UNDP that can be counted upon as a partner in the journey ahead.
A partner, Mr Adam Kendall, who represented McKinsey, in his presentation on energy transition plan, stressed the need for a smooth transition into a cleaner, green economy.
According to him, an appropriate transition of the work force from the oil and gas sector is important.
Kendall added that there should be specific focus on areas and technical groups, with each industry having a unique road map to follow.
“Energy transition plan is very closely linked to the updated Nationally Determined Contriibutions (NDCs)
“We do need to begin to take action early in order to ensure we are driving the right pathway.
“There’s a need to develop new local businesses, create jobs that will be lost in the oil and gas transition that will happen in the next 10 to 20 years.
“There’s a lot the oil and gas sector can do for themselves in the evolution of oil and gas. In the short, term we are expecting an increase, driven by increase in consumption of power, LPG, cooking gas; but there will be a decline in the long term,” he said.