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Monday, September 16, 2024

Nigeria’s biodiversity imperative to biotechnology, transformative growth – NABRDA D-G

The Director-General, National Biotechnology Research and Development Agency (NBRDA), Prof. Abdullahi Mustapha, says Nigeria’s biodiversity, dynamic population, and growing technological capabilities remain strong indicators to leverage biotechnology for transformative growth.

Mustapha Abdullahi
Director General, National Biotechnology Research and Development Agency (NABRDA), Prof. Mustapha Abdullahi

Mustapha, a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, who said this on Monday, August 12, 2024, in an interview in Abuja, described biotechnology as vehicle for economic growth. He emphasised the role that science and technology played in shaping the future of a country.

According to him, biotechnology, in its various forms, revolutionalises industries across the globe and offers innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.

“From agriculture to health care, environmental management, and industrial processes, biotechnology holds the key to unlocking sustainable development and economic prosperity.”

Mustapha added that Nigeria’s agriculture sector would benefit immensely from biotechnological advancements.

“With a significant portion of our population relying on agriculture for their livelihoods, the adoption of genetically modified crops, improved pest resistance, and enhanced nutritional content can lead to increased yields and improved food security.

“We can also transform Nigeria into a breadbasket for the continent and beyond, reducing our reliance on food imports and boosting our export potential by embracing these innovations.”

The D-G noted that healthcare sector was another critical area where biotechnology could make profound impact.

He said the development of new vaccines, diagnostic tools, and therapies could address endemic diseases that had long plagued the nation.

“Biotechnology offers the promise of personalised medicine, ensuring that treatments are tailored to individual patients, thereby improving outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

“There is need for investment in biopharmaceutical research and development to create a robust healthcare industry that not only serves our population but also becomes a hub for medical tourism and pharmaceutical exports,” he said.

Mustapha, who said that biotechnology could provide innovative solutions to waste management, added that environmental sustainability was paramount for Nigeria’s economic growth.

According to him, biotechnology has provided innovative solutions to pollution control, and renewable energy production.

“We can reduce our carbon footprint, project our natural resources, and create green jobs through development of biofuels, bioplastics, and bioremediation techniques,

“This will help in aligning with our commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.”

By Sylvester Thompson

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