The aftermath of over 72-hours of rain-fueled ocean surge that ravaged Okun Alfa (popularly known as Alfa Beach), a coastal community in the Eti-Osa...
Solar Impulse, a zero-fuel aircraft powered entirely by the sun, made history last Thursday morning by completing its crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. It...
Kayode Aboyeji attempts to capture the challenges faced by residents of Okun-Alfa, a coastal community in Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos State, which...
Okun Alfa is a coastal community located in Lagos, South-West Nigeria, on the coastline by the Atlantic Ocean.
The community beach, known as Alpha Beach,...
According to Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State, the Eko Atlantic City is an adaptation measure that would enable the Lagos coastline to regain...
Environmental non-government organisation (NGO), DEVCON-PADIC-Afria, has wrapped up a two-year project by empowering women and other community members in...