The African Development Bank (AfDB) has renewed its support for climate change resilience in Madagascar, Benin and Angola, which are accessing $17.8 million of...
Experts have warned that jet streams intensified by global warming will increase the frequency of turbulence on transatlantic flights by 50 percent.
Flights encountering air...
Congregation of the People of Tradition for Proselytism and Jihad (Jamā'a Ahl al-sunnah li-da'wa wa al-jihād), better known by its Hausa name Boko Haram ("Western education is sinful"), is a jihadistmilitant...
The Lagos State Government has been called upon to review and upgrade its urban development master plan to include climate change and adaptation considerations.
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day celebration, “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women,” signals the...