The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is optimistic that the Nagoya Protocol will reach a milestone 100 ratifications this year. So far, 70 nations...
A new compendium providing the latest and best professional information needed for protected area practitioner capacity development was released this week in the margins...
Smallholder farmers throughout the world play a key role in maintaining natural resources through the use of sustainable practices, and can significantly contribute the...
Bold and innovative action is urgently required if governments are to meet the globally-agreed Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and its Aichi Targets by 2020,...
Biological diversity and ecosystems last week featured prominently in the proposal of a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the Open Working...
Environmental non-government organisation (NGO), DEVCON-PADIC-Afria, has wrapped up a two-year project by empowering women and other community members in...