New potato varieties modified to withstand the deadly late blight disease said to be responsible for over 90 percent destruction on farmers field in...
The Genetically Modified (GM) Potato project ongoing in Nigeria has concluded its first-year multi-locational confined trial in three locations with the Biotech potatoes showing...
Dr Aliyu Umar, Executive Director, National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI), Badeggi in Niger State, said the organisation has released two new rice varieties to...
Some farmers in the North-East region have called for early distribution of farm inputs for commencement of dry season activities to mitigate effects of...
Farmers in the North-Central and Taraba have narrated different experiences from the effects of irregular rainfall patterns on harvest during the 2021 farming season,...
The Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA/FoEN) has described a Dutch court ruling today which held Shell liable for the pollution of fish...