Six broad stakeholder groups including forest dependent communities; government ministries, departments and agencies (GMDAs); media; academia; civil society organisations; and private sector players gathered...
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD+) has suddenly become the beautiful bride of numerous state governments...
Nepal. Ivory Coast, Madagascar and Kenya have requested UN-REDD targeted support on legal preparedness. All are looking to adapt their existing policies, laws and...
An innovative public-private partnership of multinationals, governments, civil society and indigenous peoples today pledged to cut the loss of forests in half by 2020...
Ahead of Nigeria’s plan to launch its full implementation of the REDD+ programme with the inauguration of the National Advisory Council, government and non-state...
The No REDD in Africa Network (NRAN) and its allies have condemned the evictions and forced relocation of the Sengwer Indigenous People in Kenya’s Cherangany Hills, as well as the World Bank-funded Reducing Emissions from...
The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of the World Bank has approved Nigeria's REDD Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP). The approval was made at the...
It is unfortunate that, despite the important role that women play in society and their achievemes, many of them still face several barriers in accessing some socio-economic benefits and exercising basic fundamental human rights.